
Scala generic method - No ClassTag available for T

I'm relatively new to Scala and am trying to define a generic object method. However, when I refer to the parameterized type within the method I am getting "No ClassTag available for T". Here is a contrived example that illustrates the problem.

scala> def foo[T](count: Int, value: T): Array[T] = Array.fill[T](count)(value)
<console>:7: error: No ClassTag available for T
       def foo[T](count: Int, value: T): Array[T] = Array.fill[T](count)(value)

Thanks in advance for help in understanding what is wrong here and how to make this contrived example work.


  • To instantiate an array in a generic context (instantiating an array of T where T is a type parameter), Scala needs to have information at runtime about T, in the form of an implicit value of type ClassTag[T]. Concretely, you need the caller of your method to (implicitly) pass this ClassTag value, which can conveniently be done using a context bound:

    def foo[T:ClassTag](count: Int, value: T): Array[T] = Array.fill[T](count)(value)

    For a (thorough) description of this situation, see this document:

    (To put it shortly, ClassTags are the reworked implementation of ClassManifests, so the rationale remains)