
Difference between Powershell ISE and PowerGUI for [Environment+SpecialFolder]

I'm making a powershell installation script for an app at work and I'm constantly switching from PowerShell ISE to PowerGUI to make it.

I found a difference between them I really can't explain and I'd like to have some advice.

For the same following code :

$test = ""
$feedback = $FALSE
    $test = [System.Environment]::GetFolderPath([Environment+SpecialFolder]::ProgramFilesX86)
    $test = ""
if($test -eq "")
    $feedback = $TRUE
    $feedback = $FALSE
"Feedback : " + $feedback
"Result : " + $test

Powershell ISE returns :

Feedback : True
Result : 

And PowerGUI returns :

Feedback : False
Result : C:\Program Files (x86)

Of course, C:\Program Files (x86) is an existing folder.

I'm curious to understand why. Thanks.


  • Your environments are not playing the same version of PowerShell, or at least the same version of the the CLR. try to look at $PSVersionTable.

    Environment.SpecialFolder enum contains ProgramFilesX86 in NET Framework 4.5 this was not the case in NET Framework 3.5 and previous versions.