
Execute code before and after specification

I have simple specification with several cases in it:

class MySpec extends Specification {

  "Something" should {

    "case 1" in {

    "case 2" in {

Now I need to start application, run all cases, and shutdown the application. Starting/stopping the application is time consuming and I don't want it to happen around each case.

How do I run code before cases are started and after all the cases have finished?


  • I've come up with the following solution based on cmbaxter answer.

    import org.specs2.specification.Step
    trait BeforeAllAfterAll extends Specification {
      // see (specs2 User Guide)
      override def map(fragments: =>Fragments) = 
        Step(beforeAll) ^ fragments ^ Step(afterAll)
      protected def beforeAll()
      protected def afterAll()

    Then mix BeforeAllAfterAll in Specification and implement beforeAll and afterAll methods:

    class MySpec extends Specification with BeforeAllAfterAll {
      def beforeAll() {
        println("Doing setup work...")
      def afterAll() {
        println("Doing shutdown work...")
      "Something" should {
        "case 1" in {
        "case 2" in {

    Finally, extract initialization to share it between specifications:

    trait InApplication extends BeforeAllAfterAll {
      def beforeAll() {
        println("Doing setup work...")
      def afterAll() {
        println("Doing shutdown work...")
    class MySpec extends Specification with InApplication {
      "Something" should {
        "case 1" in {
        "case 2" in {