
Adding a Dash in the editText automatically in Android

Have a look at my codes:

txt_HomeNo.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {

        public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {

            boolean flag = true;
            String eachBlock[] = txt_HomeNo.getText().toString().split("-");
            for (int i = 0; i < eachBlock.length; i++) {
                if (eachBlock[i].length() > 3) {
                    flag = false;

            if (flag) {

                txt_HomeNo.setOnKeyListener(new OnKeyListener() {

                    public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {

                        if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL)
                            keyDel = 1;
                        return false;

                if (keyDel == 0) {

                    if (((txt_HomeNo.getText().length() + 1) % 4) == 0) {

                        if (txt_HomeNo.getText().toString().split("-").length <= 3) {
                            txt_HomeNo.setText(txt_HomeNo.getText() + "-");
                    a = txt_HomeNo.getText().toString();
                } else {
                    a = txt_HomeNo.getText().toString();
                    keyDel = 0;

            } else {


The maximum length of the phone number is only 7. And when I already inputted 3 digits, it appends dash (that's what I'd like to happen) but my problem here is that the next 3 digits also appends dash (Like this: 511-871-)... My question is how can I do the codings with the next 4 digit number with having a dash on it. Please help me with this. thanks!


  • Try this

    public void afterTextChanged(Editable text) {     
        if (text.length() == 3 || text.length() == 7) {

    or all of this

    private boolean isFormatting;
    private boolean deletingHyphen;
    private int hyphenStart;
    private boolean deletingBackward;
    public void afterTextChanged(Editable text) {
        if (isFormatting)
        isFormatting = true;
        // If deleting hyphen, also delete character before or after it
        if (deletingHyphen && hyphenStart > 0) {
            if (deletingBackward) {
                if (hyphenStart - 1 < text.length()) {
                    text.delete(hyphenStart - 1, hyphenStart);
            } else if (hyphenStart < text.length()) {
                text.delete(hyphenStart, hyphenStart + 1);
        if (text.length() == 3 || text.length() == 7) {
        isFormatting = false;
    public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {
        if (isFormatting)
        // Make sure user is deleting one char, without a selection
        final int selStart = Selection.getSelectionStart(s);
        final int selEnd = Selection.getSelectionEnd(s);
        if (s.length() > 1 // Can delete another character
                && count == 1 // Deleting only one character
                && after == 0 // Deleting
                && s.charAt(start) == '-' // a hyphen
                && selStart == selEnd) { // no selection
            deletingHyphen = true;
            hyphenStart = start;
            // Check if the user is deleting forward or backward
            if (selStart == start + 1) {
                deletingBackward = true;
            } else {
                deletingBackward = false;
        } else {
            deletingHyphen = false;