I have following code in my script:
def ant_fs = (new AntBuilder())
def fs = ant_fs.fileset( dir: <path> )
println( "Fileset item: $it" )
When I launch it from Maven (mvn ... in command line) or from Intellij IDEA I see that fileset object is initialized successfully (I see correct files' pathes).
When I launch this code via Jenkins I see that fs object is not created but I do not see any exception in output.
Could you please help me resolve the issue?
Thanks In Advcance!
Note: I have surefire plugin for Maven2.
Looks like this issue was caused by incorrect user Jenkins Agent settings.
I setup user into Jenkins Service (Win host) as Administrator and my script started to work. It was caused because I work with shared folder on another host which required authentification. I setup authentification on that host for Administrator account, but Jenkins by default launches test as System account.