I'm new to Cocos2dx and I'm trying to create a planet animation rotate itself by using a 3:1 rectangle texture, which contains 3 squares are two faces (map) of sphere (the third square is a clone of the first one). I create a frames array by cropping the texture and add them to CCAnimation. Then I test this animation with two effects to make square frame become a 3D circle: CCLens and CCTurnOffTiles (I will modify it in the future to turn off only grids outside the circle).
But there is a problems: two effects don't stack. If CCTurnOffTiles is added after CCLens, CCLens will not work; if CCLens is added after CCTurnOffTiles, CCDirector will throw reading violation exception at runtime.
Is there any solution to run many effects simultaneously or implement planet animation in other way? Thanks.
Both CCTurnOffTiles and CCLens3D inherits of CCGridAction.
But one cancels the other: CCTurnOffTiles will turn off grid tiles, and CCLens3d need these grid tiles.
I recommend you to draw all planet sprites, already circled and using a SpriteSheet, and animate then with CCAnimation, without using CCTurnOffTiles or CCLens3D. It is easiest and will consume less cpu.