I'm currently doing some starting stuff on Django 1.3.1 and following error struck me for 2 hours. Help me in figuring out the error. I have included my code on bitbucket.
TemplateSyntaxError at /events/archive/
Invalid block tag: 'else', expected 'empty' or 'endfor'
Template error
In template /home/virus/py_tut/startthedark/startthedark/templates/events/archive.html, error at line 32
Invalid block tag: 'else', expected 'empty' or 'endfor'
22 {% csrf_token %}
23 <input type="hidden" name="event_id" value="{{event.id}}"/>
24 {% if attending %}
25 <input class="attendance unattend" type = "submit" value = "Unattend" />
26 {% else %}
27 <input class = "attendance attend" type ="submit" value = "Attend"/>
28 {% endif %}
29 </form>
30 -->
31 {% endfor %}
32 {% else %}
33 <p>No events for today.</p>
34 {% endif %}
36 {% endblock %}
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load events_tags %}
{% block title %}Archive -{{ block.super}}{% endblock %}
{% block main_content %}
<a href="{% url ev_create %}">Create an Event</a>
{% if events %}
{% for e in events %}
{% event e %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>No events for today.</p>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
from django import template
from events.models import Attendance
def event(context, e):
to_return = {
'event' : e,
#'request': context['request'],
if context['user'].is_authenticated():
Attendance.objects.get(event=e,user = context['user'])#request.user)
attending = True
except Attendance.DoesNotExist:
attending = False
to_return['authenticated'] = False
return to_return
register = template.Library()
The comment tag i.e. <!-- Comments --> is HTML comment. Django doesn't recognize them. If you have included template tags inside the comment block, Django process them instead of ignoring.
For multiline comments in Django use:
{% comment %}
{% endcomment %}