
Best Practices for Error Logging and/or reporting for iPhone

When I do web development, I use a custom made logger that catches fatal errors and appends a trace to a file and displays a message to the user. I can occasionally glance to see if the file changed, which means, some user encountered an error and I can dig in to see what they encountered.

I'd like something similar on the iphone, with some caveats:

Some Related Links

It seem like there would be a common toolkit to do this - how do you handle this?

[Update Oct 2011] There have been some developments, of varying maturity...


  • Here's what we do:

    In more detail:

    I've included example code below showing how we've written this, and what the output looks like.

    We define multiple different trace levels so developers can identify which lines of trace are important, and can filter out lower level detail if they want to.

    Example code:

    - (void)myMethod:(NSObject *)xiObj
      TRC_DBG(@"Boring low level stuff");
      TRC_NRM(@"Higher level trace for more important info");
      TRC_ALT(@"Really important trace, something bad is happening");
      TRC_ERR(@"Error, this indicates a coding bug or unexpected condition");

    Example trace output:

    2009-09-11 14:22:48.051 MyApp[3122:207] ENTRY:+[MyClass myMethod:]
    2009-09-11 14:22:48.063 MyApp[3122:207] DEBUG:+[MyClass myMethod:]:Boring low level stuff
    2009-09-11 14:22:48.063 MyApp[3122:207] NORMAL:+[MyClass myMethod:]:Higher level trace for more important info
    2009-09-11 14:22:48.063 MyApp[3122:207] ALERT:+[MyClass myMethod:]:Really important trace, something bad is happening
    2009-09-11 14:22:48.063 MyApp[3122:207] ERROR:+[MyClass myMethod:]:Error, this indicates a coding bug or unexpected condition
    2009-09-11 14:22:48.073 MyApp[3122:207] EXIT:+[MyClass myMethod:]

    Our trace definitions:

    #ifndef TRC_LEVEL
    #define TRC_LEVEL 0
    #define TRC_LEVEL 5
    /* Entry/exit trace macros                                                   */
    #if TRC_LEVEL == 0
    #define TRC_ENTRY    NSLog(@"ENTRY: %s:%d:", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
    #define TRC_EXIT     NSLog(@"EXIT:  %s:%d:", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
    #define TRC_ENTRY
    #define TRC_EXIT
    /* Debug trace macros                                                        */
    #if (TRC_LEVEL <= 1)
    #define TRC_DBG(A, ...) NSLog(@"DEBUG: %s:%d:%@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__LINE__,[NSString stringWithFormat:A, ## __VA_ARGS__]);
    #define TRC_DBG(A, ...)
    #if (TRC_LEVEL <= 2)
    #define TRC_NRM(A, ...) NSLog(@"NORMAL:%s:%d:%@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__LINE__,[NSString stringWithFormat:A, ## __VA_ARGS__]);
    #define TRC_NRM(A, ...)
    #if (TRC_LEVEL <= 3)
    #define TRC_ALT(A, ...) NSLog(@"ALERT: %s:%d:%@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__LINE__,[NSString stringWithFormat:A, ## __VA_ARGS__]);
    #define TRC_ALT(A, ...)
    #if (TRC_LEVEL <= 4)
    #define TRC_ERR(A, ...) NSLog(@"ERROR: %s:%d:%@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__LINE__,[NSString stringWithFormat:A, ## __VA_ARGS__]);
    #define TRC_ERR(A, ...)

    Xcode settings:

    In Xcode build settings, choose "Add User-Defined Setting" (by clicking on the little cog at the bottom left of the build configuration screen), then define a new setting called GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS and give it the value TRC_LEVEL=0.

    The only subtlety is that Xcode doesn't know to do a clean build if you change this setting, so remember to manually do a Clean if you change it.