I have two rails services. One serving the UI and some basic functionality (UIService) and another which manages the underlying models and database interactions (MainService).
At the UIService, I have a form that collects a list of items and uses that to POST to MainService via jQuery.
I take the javascript array and call the jQuery.post to UIService first, like this -
var selected_items = new Array();
// Filled up via the form...
"items": selected_items };
jQuery.post("/items", params);
This is then converted to an array of hashes with the key "item_id" and then forwarded to the MainService via Typhoeus like this -
items = []
item = {}
params[:items].each do |i|
item[:item_id] = i
## Gives me this ---> items = [ {item_id: 189}, {item_id: 187} ]
req = Typhoeus::Request.new("#{my_url}/items/",
method: :POST,
headers: {"Accepts" => "application/json"})
hydra = Typhoeus::Hydra.new
At the MainService, I need the JSON schema to be in a particular format. Basically an array of items... like this -
{ "name": "test_items", "items": [ {"item_id":"189"},{"item_id": "187"} ] }
The issue is that when I collect the array from jQuery and pass it to UIService, it looks like this in the params -
[ {item_id: 189}, {item_id: 187} ]
But, when it arrives at MainService, it becomes this -
"items"=>{"0"=>{"item_id"=>"189"}, "1"=>{"item_id"=>"187"}}
So, I need the array of items to be key'ed with "item_id" and inserted into the params. I tried several ways to keep it as an array of hashes, but it always ends up in the wrong format at the destination.
I tried various workarounds, like stringifying, not stringifying, building my own array of hashes etc. I'm pretty stuck at this point. Any ideas? Anything I'm doing wrong or not doing? I can make it work other JSON schemas, but I need to stick to this one.
The issue was with the way I was passing the parameters into typhoeus
before (with issue) --
req = Typhoeus::Request.new("#{Rails.application.config.custom_ads_url}/groups",
method: :POST,
params: parameters,
headers: {"Content-Type" => "application/json", "AUTHORIZATION" => "auth_token #{user.auth_token}"})
after (works) -- notice that I needed to convert to json and put it in the body. 'params' in typhoeus was being considered as a custom hash.
req = Typhoeus::Request.new("#{Rails.application.config.custom_ads_url}/groups",
method: :POST,
body: parameters.to_json,
headers: {"Content-Type" => "application/json", "AUTHORIZATION" => "auth_token #{user.auth_token}"})