
Guy Yollin's QuantStrat I lecture issue

I've been going through Guy's quantstrat lecture (link below) and after repeatedly attempting to re-execute the code, I'm getting a few initial errors that are preventing most of the subsequent code in the lecture from functioning.

Here is the code (copied from the lecture with very minor re-arrangements):

rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) #added this to delete memory

library(blotter) #added this hoping it would rectify the errors
library(FinancialInstrument) #added this hoping it would rectify the errors

# initialize portfolio, accounts and orders
qs.strategy <- "qsFaber"
initPortf(qs.strategy, 'SPY', initDate = '1997-12-31')
initAcct(qs.strategy, portfolios = qs.strategy, initDate = '1997-12-31', initEq= 1e6)

Here are the errors I am getting:


> initPortf(qs.strategy, 'SPY', initDate = '1997-12-31')
Error in exists(paste("portfolio", name, sep = "."), envir = .blotter,  : 
object '.blotter' not found


> initAcct(qs.strategy, portfolios = qs.strategy, initDate = '1997-12-31', initEq= 1e6)
Error in exists(paste("account", name, sep = "."), envir = .blotter, inherits = TRUE) : 
object '.blotter' not found

I had to directly download blotter as I am using Windows 64 bit, but despite copying the code from the lecture, I am unsure why I am getting those errors. My search efforts have indicated that a portion of blotter evolved into the FinancialInstrument package, but even after clearing memory and loading FinancialInstruments I am still getting the same error.

Any help would be highly appreciated.

LINK to lecture: http://www.r-programming.org/files/quantstrat-I.pdf


  • The sheets by Guy Yollin are excellent learning material, but unfortunately they are somewhat outdated (2011). Many changes have been made to blotter, quantstrat and other packages over the last 2 years, and much of the code in Guy's sheets will no longer run as such.

    As far as the quantstrat package is concerned, you may want to take a look at the sheets from the R/Finance 2013 conference in Chicago; you can get a copy at http://www.rinfinance.com/agenda/2013/workshop/Humme+Peterson.pdf.

    UPDATE: Guy Yollin has updated his slides to the latest quantstrat as of August 2013, they are available here http://www.r-programming.org/papers