Is it possible to register an application to be launched when a specific URL is requested in the browser, email or bbm?
For example I would like when the user clicks on a link flycraft://replay/123 my app to be launched and passed the URI.
The way to do this on BlackBerry 10 is by adding the code below in your bar descriptor file:
<invoke-target id="eu.nlogn.flycraftplaybook.replayview">
<property value="flycraft://" var="uris" />
then you should listen for the NAVIGATOR_INVOKE_TARGET event and handle it like this:
const navigator_invoke_invocation_t *invoke = navigator_invoke_event_get_invocation(event);
if (invoke) {
// retrieve invocation action
const char *action = navigator_invoke_invocation_get_action(invoke);
const char *uri = navigator_invoke_invocation_get_uri(invoke);
if (action && uri) {
// handle the uri you got
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Error retrieving invocation: %s\n", navigator_event_get_err(event));
Unfortunately there is no way to do this on the Playbook.