
Azman - Connection string for SQL Store

I'm trying to create a SQL backing store for Azman using the MMC snap-in. The tool asks for a URL-style connection string for connecting to the back end:

Azman tool

I have a URL-style connection string that works just fine for SQLExpress on the local machine:

mssql://Driver={SQL Server};Server={NL-089\SQLEXPRESS};Trusted_Connection={Yes};/AzManDB/MyTestStore

I'm currently trying the following for a full SQL Server backing store:

mssql://Driver={SQL Server};Server={dev-rtd-sql02};User Id=myUser;Password=myPassword;/AzManDB/MyTestStore

But the error I get back is simply "The parameter is incorrect". Sigh. Does anyone know how to correctly form this string?


  • check this blog post http://boyd.aspectdatasystems.com/2010/05/authorization-manager-azman-connections.html

    the issue is the User Id & Password vs. UID and PWD.