I am fresher for this application development field. I am tried to get notifications during user login & logout events. I have tried with NSWorkSpaceNotifications
, but it does not working for me.
Can somebody help me please.
NSNotificationCenter *notCenter;
notCenter = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter];
[notCenter addObserver:self
name:NSWorkspaceWillPowerOffNotification object:nil];
-(void)observerMethod:(NSNotification *)senderNotification;{
NSLog(@"System Logout Notification is called***********************");
Begin the RunLoop
. You are calling logInLogOutNotifications function from main() function, so you shoud run runloop. or call logInLogOutNotifications in applicationDidFinishLaunching
NSNotificationCenter *notCenter;
notCenter = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter];
[notCenter addObserver:self
name:NSWorkspaceWillPowerOffNotification object:nil];
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] run];