
Settings bundle: how to create a clickable button that shows a text field?

How can I create a Root.plist file that has a group with some Title, then a clickable button with some caption, and once that button is clicked, a new window "pops in" with some long text field? Something like "About" option for applications --> the about button links to a long text field.

I tried creating a group, then a multi-value, and to the multi-value's "Titles" array I added a String item with the text. However that text is clickable and I want it to look like text field.


  • The solution is to add a child-pane and not a multi-value.

    Add this node to the root.plist file:

    Type PSChildPaneSpecifier Key About Title About File About

    And then create an About.plist file (add it to the settings.bundle from the Finder: view package content and then add the file manually.

    The file should look like this:

    Strings Filename About PreferenceSpecifiers Title Type PSGroupSpecifier FooterText Bla Bla Bla