
phpcassa gives error on cql execution

I have recently created a column family with CREATE TABLE in cqlsh console.

I have the following column family;

  id timeuuid PRIMARY KEY,
  balance decimal,
  is_free boolean,
  player_id bigint,

I want to insert the following type of data;

    "player_id": 104,
    "balance": "0.00",
    "is_free": false,
    "bonus": "3+3+3"

when I do insert from cqlsh console the insertion is the following;

INSERT INTO keyspace.user (player_id, balance,is_free,bonus, id) 
VALUES (104,0.00,'3+3+3',67c5cb00-d814-11e2-9e13-59eb8e4538e5)

Id is generated by UUID::uuid1()->string

When I try to insert from cqlsh, it gives no error. However, in phpcassa, it gives the following error :

Expected key 'ID' to be present in WHERE clause for 'users'

I already set the client's cql version to 3.0.0 by


I already tried to insert timeuuid field like that '67c5cb00-d814-11e2-9e13-59eb8e4538e5'

By the way, the var_dump of the variable $cql that is executed is the following;

string 'INSERT INTO keyspace.user (player_id,balance,is_free,bonus,id) VALUES (104,0.00,false,'3+3+3','ca256040-d819-11e2-ae08-f78171d975c3')' 

What is the problem here ?


  • execute_cql_query() function does not seem to be working in cql_version 3.0.0

    although cql 3 support is not official in phpcassa, execute_cql3_query() function works stable & well for me by using the following code;

    $this->_connection_pool->get()->client->execute_cql3_query($cql, ConsistencyLevel::ONE);

    where $cql is the following;

    string 'INSERT INTO keyspace.user (player_id,balance,is_free,bonus,id)
            VALUES (104,0.00,false,'3+3+3',12128260-d8ea-11e2-b5b3-0be38f9377b6)'