I'm trying to grab a list of snapshots from our Storage Gateway and put them into a JTable. However, when I use the AWS Java API to retrieve a list of snapshots, I only am able to retrieve what appears to be the public snapshots published by Amazon. When I set the DescribeSnapshotsRequest.setOwnerIds() to include "self", the list is empty.
Here is the offending code:
private void createTable() {
Object[][] data = null;
String[] columns = new String[]{"Snapshot ID", "Owner ID", "Snapshot Date"};
DescribeSnapshotsRequest req = new DescribeSnapshotsRequest();
try {
snapshots = ec2Client.describeSnapshots(req).getSnapshots();
data = new Object[snapshots.size()][3];
int i = 0;
for(Snapshot item : snapshots) {
data[i][0] = item.getSnapshotId();
data[i][1] = item.getOwnerId();
data[i][2] = item.getStartTime();
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Invalid Credentials!");
table = new JTable(data, columns);
The List snapshots is empty unless I either remove the DescribeSnapshotsRequest, or set the owner ID to "amazon".
Long story short, why can't I access my private snapshots from the Storage Gateway?
Figured it out. Turns out you have to explicitly define the EC2 endpoint. Somehow I missed that step.
Here is the list of endpoints: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html#ec2_region
AmazonEC2Client.setEndpoint("<Endpoint URL>");