
SEOstats API SEMrush keyword query methods?

I'm using SEOstats API (

With the SEMrush methods, how do you get keyword data--specifically how to you write the query--where does the keyword go?

I have no problems using the SEMrush methods (or any other methods) of the API when the only parameter is the URL. Just don't know where to put keyword.


  • It seems that you misunderstood SEOstats' documentation, as well as SEMruch's free organic keyword reports.

    There is no way to request data for specific, user-defined keywords with the public SEMrush API. Instead, they provide a list of relavant keywords related to a specific URL (eg "to find long-tail keywords").

    So, you can feed $SEOstats->SEMRush()->getOrganicKeywords() with a URL, and get relevant keyword metrics for that URL in return. And there is no option for user-defined keywords.