God day,
I'm quite new to all this RoR thing and I'm setting up Spree store.
I'm trying to pre-configure my store depending on enviroment with seedbank gem. I don't get how to pre-configure Spree::BillingIntergration::PaypalExpress gateway.
I can output all the configuration if i fire up 'rails console' and run
Here is a code: https://github.com/spree/spree_paypal_express
But these values are not stored in database. How can i pre-populate these options with 'rake db:seed'?
Thanks in advance.
Enviroment: rails -v = 3.2.11
ruby -v = ruby 1.9.3p194 (2012-04-20 revision 35410) [x86_64-darwin11.4.0]
spree -v = 1.3.1
You can add the following code to the db/seeds.rb (or other file if have more advanced structure):
name: 'Paypal (or whatever you want)',
description: '',
active: true,
environment: Rails.env,
display_on: '',
preferred_currency: '<fill_here>',
preferred_login: '<fill_here>',
preferred_password: '<fill_here>',
preferred_signature: '<fill_here>',
preferred_review: false,
preferred_no_shipping: false,
preferred_cart_checkout: true,
preferred_allow_guest_checkout: false,
preferred_server: 'test',
preferred_test_mode: true
so as you can see all options are with preferred