Is trying to develop for Medium Trust a lost cause?

I started developing a new MVC app with Entity Framework code-first and Unity for dependency injection. I used EF5 and Unity because I thought they were supposed to work in Medium Trust. However, when I threw the <trust level="Medium" /> tag in my web.config, I started getting Reflection Permission exceptions.

It always seems like whenever I go beyond using built-in things like the System.Data.SqlClient stuff I always run into problems in Medium Trust. Auto-Mapper: fail. NHibernate: fail. MySQL: fail. EF5 Code-first: fail. IOC: fail.

Am I just chasing a pipe-dream? Is it possible to achieve a well-architected and testable web application using modern technology that will run in Medium Trust?

In the age of VMs/Virtual Servers/Cloud Computing (and even a few shared hosts that will set your application pools to Full Trust) has anyone found developing for Medium Trust to be worth the effort?


  • The official position of the ASP.NET team is that Medium Trust is obsolete. This means a few things:

    Here, the term "Medium Trust" above to refers to all non-Full Trust configurations in ASP.NET, including use of the built-in trust levels (Minimal, Low, Medium, High) or any custom trust levels.

    Edit 26 May 2015: The .NET Framework as a whole has deprecated partial trust, and customers are advised not to rely on it as a security boundary. From MSDN:

    Code Access Security in .NET Framework should not be used as a security boundary with partially trusted code, especially code of unknown origin. We advise against loading and executing code of unknown origins without putting alternative security measures in place.