
How to create custom property on object using Apache Chemistry

I'm working with a local instance of Alfresco CMS and I'm using the Apache Chemistry Java CMIS. Everything works well for browsing and creating objects, however I'm having a hard time adding metadata on documents.

There is an example on their source page code saying that you need to call updateProperties on the CmisObject. Unfortunately, this doesn't work, the exception I got stating: Property 'my:property' is not valid for this type or one of the secondary types

Do you know how can I add a custom property? Do I have to enhance the existing aspects collection and if so, how can I do it?



  • Property 'my:property' is not valid for this type or one of the secondary types

    my:property seems to be a custom property, and should then be handled with a custom Alfresco aspect.

    If you want to use Alfresco aspects, you will need the Alfresco OpenCMIS Extension

    The following code fragment allows to use the Alfresco Extension with OpenCMIS:

    Map<String, String> parameter = new HashMap<String, String>();
    // user credentials
    parameter.put(SessionParameter.USER, "admin");
    parameter.put(SessionParameter.PASSWORD, "admin");
    // connection settings
    parameter.put(SessionParameter.ATOMPUB_URL, "http://localhost:8080/alfresco/cmisatom");
    parameter.put(SessionParameter.BINDING_TYPE, BindingType.ATOMPUB.value());
    // set the alfresco object factory
    parameter.put(SessionParameter.OBJECT_FACTORY_CLASS, "org.alfresco.cmis.client.impl.AlfrescoObjectFactoryImpl");
    // create session
    SessionFactory factory = SessionFactoryImpl.newInstance();
    Session session = factory.getRepositories(parameter).get(0).createSession();

    The following code allows to create a new document with a custom property filled :

    Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    properties.put(PropertyIds.NAME, "doc1");
    properties.put(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID, "cmis:document,my:docProps");
    properties.put("my:property", "My document");
    Document doc = session.getRootFolder().createDocument(properties, null, null);