
How do I pause all actions while fading cclayer then resume gameplay in cocos2d?

I have this:

    ccColor4B color = {0,0,0,255};
    CCLayerColor *fadeLayer = [CCLayerColor layerWithColor:color];
    [self addChild:fadeLayer z:7];
    fadeLayer.opacity = 0;

    id fade   = [CCFadeTo actionWithDuration:1.0f opacity:200];//200 for light blur
    id calBlk = [CCCallBlock actionWithBlock:^{
        //show pause screen buttons here
        //[self showPauseMenu];
    id fadeBack = [CCFadeTo actionWithDuration:2.0f opacity:0];

    id sequen = [CCSequence actions:fade, calBlk, fadeBack, nil];

    [fadeLayer runAction:sequen];


How do I stop the actions while the fadein occurs and resume them when the fadeBack occurs?


  • [[CCDirector sharedDirector] pause]; & [[CCDirector sharedDirector] resume]; will pause and resume the schedulers and actions throughout all the Sprites/Layers or any other cocos2d Nodes.

    If you want to pause/resume a particular CCLayer along with children its containing,

    ////for pausing
    [myLayer pauseSchedulerAndActions];
    for(CCNode *child in myLayer.children){
    [child pauseSchedulerAndActions];
    ///for resuming
    [myLayer resumeSchedulerAndActions];
    for(CCNode *child in myLayer.children){
    [child resumeSchedulerAndActions];