
SSL Certificate - What is the use of the private key in a root certificate?

I am new to Cryptogrphy, HTTPS and SSL !!! If i am not wrong , the private key of an End Entity certificate (certificate issued by trusted CA like Verisign) is used to decrypt the information sent by the client ! But does a root certificate also have a Private Key?

If Yes, then I wanted to know where exactly the private key of a root certificate is used? What happens if it is leaked ?


  • If I am not wrong, the private key of an End Entity certificate (certificate issued by trusted CA like Verisign) is used to decrypt the information sent by the client

    You are wrong. It isn't. The peer's own private key is used to sign the certificate so the client can verify that the peer owns the certificate he presents, and the private key of signing certificates is used to, err, sign certificates.