During preparing data for NumPy calculate. I am curious about way to construct:
myarray.shape => (2,18,18)
d1.shape => (18,18)
d2.shape => (18,18)
I try to use NumPy command:
but it looks not work!
hstack and vstack do no change the number of dimensions of the arrays: they merely put them "side by side". Thus, combining 2-dimensional arrays creates a new 2-dimensional array (not a 3D one!).
You can do what Daniel suggested (directly use numpy.array([d1, d2])
You can alternatively convert your arrays to 3D arrays before stacking them, by adding a new dimension to each array:
d3 = numpy.vstack([ d1[newaxis,...], d2[newaxis,...] ]) # shape = (2, 18, 18)
In fact, d1[newaxis,...].shape == (1, 18, 18)
, and you can stack both 3D arrays directly and get the new 3D array (d3
) that you wanted.