
Rails/Postgres query rows grouped by day with time zone

I'm trying to display a count of impressions per day for the last 30 days in the specific users time zone. The trouble is that depending on the time zone, the counts are not always the same, and I'm having trouble reflecting that in a query.

For example, take two impressions that happen at 11:00pm in CDT (-5) on day one, and one impression that happens at 1:00am CDT. If you query using UTC (+0) you'll get all 3 impressions occurring on day two, instead of two the first day and one the second. Both CDT times land on the day two in UTC.

This is what I'm doing now, I know I must be missing something simple here:

start = 30.days.ago
finish =

# if the users time zone offset is less than 0 we need to make sure
# that we make it all the way to the newest data
if < 0
  start +=
  finish +=

(start.to_date...finish.to_date).map do |date|
  # get the start of the day in the user's timezone in utc so we can properly
  # query the database
  day = date.to_time.in_time_zone(current_user.timezone).beginning_of_day.utc
  [ (day.to_i * 1000), Impression.total_on(day) ]

Impressions model:

class Impression < ActiveRecord::Base
  def self.total_on(day)
    count(conditions: [ "created_at >= ? AND created_at < ?", day, day + 24.hours ])

I've been looking at other posts and it seems like I can let the database handle a lot of the heavy lifting for me, but I wasn't successful with using anything like AT TIME ZONE or INTERVAL.

What I have no seems really dirty, I know I must missing something obvious. Any help is appreciated.


  • Ok, with a little help from this awesome article I think I've figured it out. My problem stemmed from not knowing the difference between the system Ruby time methods and the time zone aware Rails methods. Once I set the correct time zone for the user using an around_filter like this I was able to use the built in Rails methods to simplify the code quite a bit:

    # app/controllers/application_controller.rb
    class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
      around_filter :set_time_zone
      def set_time_zone
        if logged_in?
          Time.use_zone(current_user.time_zone) { yield }
    # app/controllers/charts_controller.rb
    start = 30.days.ago
    finish = Time.current
    (start.to_date...finish.to_date).map do |date|
      # Rails method that uses set in application_controller.rb
      # It's then converted to the proper time in utc
      time = date.beginning_of_day.utc
      [ (time.to_i * 1000), Impression.total_on(time) ]
    # app/models/impression.rb
    class Impression < ActiveRecord::Base
      def self.total_on(time)
        # time.tomorrow returns the time 24 hours after the instance time. so it stays UTC
        count(conditions: [ "created_at >= ? AND created_at < ?", time, time.tomorrow ])

    There might be some more that I can do, but I'm feeling much better about this now.