A quick question that I can't find answer on the web (or Wickham's book):
What is the unit of the size argument in ggplot2
? For example, geom_text(size = 10)
-- 10
in what units?
The same question applies to default unit in ggsave(height = 10, width = 10)
Edit 3/13/2025: The text size in ggplot for geom_text is specified in mm, not points. To convert the unit to points, you can use the shortcut of font size/.pt, for example 10 pt font would be size = 10/.pt
. Note that in theme arguments (using element_text) the size is default in points.
The answer is : The unit is the points. It is the unit of fontsize in the grid
package. In ?unit
, we find the following definition
"points" Points. There are 72.27 points per inch.
(but note the closely related "bigpts" Big Points. 72 bp = 1 in.
Internally ggplot2
will multiply the font size by a magic number ggplot2:::.pt
, defined as 1/0.352777778.
Here a demonstration, I create a letter using grid and ggplot2 with same size:
ggplot(data=data.frame(x=1,y=1,label=c('A'))) +
## I divide by the magic number to get the same size.
Addendum Thanks to @baptiste
The "magic number"(defined in aaa-constants.r as .pt <- 1 / 0.352777778) is really just the conversion factor between "points" and "mm", that is 1/72 * 25.4 = 0.352777778
. Unfortunately, grid
makes the subtle distinction between "pts" and "bigpts", which explains why convertUnit(unit(1, "pt"), "mm", valueOnly=TRUE)
gives the slightly different value of 0.3514598