Using gcc 4.7.3, I get the following error
prog.cpp: In function ‘int main()’: prog.cpp:27:63: error: ‘Erase >::Result’ has not been declared
with this code:
template <typename... List>
struct TypeList
Length = sizeof...(List)
template <typename ToErase, typename... List>
struct Erase;
template <typename ToErase>
struct Erase<ToErase, TypeList<>>
typedef TypeList<> Result;
template <typename ToErase, typename... Head, typename... Tail>
struct Erase<ToErase, TypeList<Head..., ToErase, Tail...>>
typedef TypeList<Head..., Tail...> Result;
int main()
static_assert(Erase<double, TypeList<int, double, char>>::Result::Length == 2,
"Did not erase double from TypeList<int, double, char>");
return 0;
I don't understand why the code doesn't compile given the error message I've received, given that a similar case does compile cleanly:
template <typename ToAppend, typename... List>
struct Append;
template <typename ToAppend, typename... List>
struct Append<ToAppend, TypeList<List...>>
typedef TypeList<List..., ToAppend> Result;
template <typename... ToAppend, typename... List>
struct Append<TypeList<ToAppend...>, TypeList<List...>>
typedef TypeList<List..., ToAppend...> Result;
Is there a quote from the standard about not being able to deduce elements in the middle of two parameter packs like I'm trying to do with the first block of code?
§ (Deducing template arguments from a type) paragraph 5 lists the contexts in which template arguments cannot be deduced. The relevant one is the last one in the list:
— A function parameter pack that does not occur at the end of the parameter-declaration-clause.
So in:
struct Erase<ToErase, TypeList<Head..., ToErase, Tail...>>
cannot be deduced; it does not occur at the end of a parameter list.
By contrast, in:
struct Append<TypeList<ToAppend...>, TypeList<List...>>
Both ToAppend
and List
appear at the end of their respective parameter lists, and hence they can be deduced.