
Conditional XML Literal

I've tried searching on this but can't seem to find an answer anywhere, so hopefully someone here can help. I want to insert an conditional XML tag based on whether or not a count is above one, but am not sure how to do it.

For example, I have two XElements that are like this:

Stuff 1


Stuff 1
Stuff 2

I want this to end up being for the first one:


and for the second one:


Notice in the second one, their is a tag of wrapped around the two groups.

So, I want that condition in the XML Literal. What I've tried is:

Dim groups = If(<Blob>.<Group>.Count > 1, <Groups/>, Nothing)

Dim bigGroup = <BigGroup><%= groups %><%= from e in <Blob>.<Group> select e %><%= groups%></BigGroup>

But that is not working. Does anyone have a way to do this from within the XML Literal as desired above?


  • You can just place the If statement inside the XML Literal. Also, it's smart enough to output an IEnumerable(Of XElement) by simply referencing the variable inside <%= %>.

    Here's the code.

    Sub Main()
        Dim SingleGroup = <Blob>
                              <Group>Stuff 1</Group>
        Dim TwoGroups = <Blob>
                            <Group>Stuff 1</Group>
                            <Group>Stuff 2</Group>
        Dim BigGroup1 = BigGroup(SingleGroup.<Group>)
        Dim BigGroup2 = BigGroup(TwoGroups.<Group>)
    End Sub
    Function BigGroup(ByVal groups As IEnumerable(Of XElement)) As XElement
        Dim result = <BigGroup>
                         <%= If(groups.Count > 1, _
                             <Groups><%= groups %></Groups>, _
                             groups.SingleOrDefault) %>
        Return result
    End Function

    The output is:

      <Group>Stuff 1</Group>
        <Group>Stuff 1</Group>
        <Group>Stuff 2</Group>