
Android logs, What means verbosity?

According Android documentation about Log.e, Log.v,...: "The order in terms of verbosity, from least to most is ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, VERBOSE. Verbose should never be compiled into an application except during development"

My questions is, What means verbosity? Because If i use Log.v("TAG","STRING"); or Log.e("TAG","STRING"); i see the same info.


  • Verbosity here, simply put, means the level of "casualness" of that message. Error is obviously the most important, and hence least casual, while verbose is the other way around.

    You will see the same content when using any of them, but when using logcat filters you can filter only errors or any other level, in which case it'll only show messages of that level.

    As per Docs

    The order in terms of verbosity, from least to most is ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, VERBOSE.