
How to read QProcess output to QString?

I have a code that uses QProcess like this :

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int status=0;
    QProcess pingProcess;
    QString ba;
    QString exec = "snmpget";
    QStringList params;

    params << "-v"
           << "2c"
           << "-c"
           << "public"
           << ""
           << ".";

    status=pingProcess.execute(exec, params);

This outputs the following :

SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.30966. = STRING: "0.1"

I want to take(read) this output as QString. I searched for this and I can't find the solution.

Thanks in advance.


  • Did you try QByteArray QProcess::readAllStandardOutput() docs - here

    QString can be instantiated from QByteArray:

    QString output(pingProcess.readAllStandardOutput());

    As others mentioned, and I join to them, you should not use execute method and replace it with:

    pingProcess.start(exec, params);
    pingProcess.waitForFinished(); // sets current thread to sleep and waits for pingProcess end
    QString output(pingProcess.readAllStandardOutput());