I add accounts-password and accounts-base packages in Meteor
When I create user like this:
Accounts.createUser({username: username, password : password}, function(err){
if (err) {
// Inform the user that account creation failed
console.log("Register Fail!")
} else {
console.log("Register Success!")
// Account has been created and the user has logged
Account has been created and the user has logged.
for instance, I log in as an administrator and I want to create a account for somebody,but I don't want to log out after create account.
How to prevent auto login after create user ?
I find source code of accouts-password packages:
48 - 63 lines:
// Attempt to log in as a new user.
Accounts.createUser = function (options, callback) {
options = _.clone(options); // we'll be modifying options
if (!options.password)
throw new Error("Must set options.password");
var verifier = Meteor._srp.generateVerifier(options.password);
// strip old password, replacing with the verifier object
delete options.password;
options.srp = verifier;
methodName: 'createUser',
methodArguments: [options],
userCallback: callback
Should I modify the source code to solve this problem?
Any help is appreciated.
You're trying to use client side accounts management to perform a task it hasn't been designed for.
Client side accounts package purpose is to specifically allow new users to create their account and expect to be logged in immediately.
You have to remember that certain functions can be ran on the client and/or on the server with different behaviors, Accounts.createUser docs specifies that : "On the client, this function logs in as the newly created user on successful completion."
On the contrary, "On the server, it returns the newly created user id." (it doesn't mess with the currently logged in user on the client).
In order to solve your problem, you should write a server side method creating a new user and be able to call it from your client side admin panel, after filling correctly a user creation form of your own design.