Hello I am using scrapy to accessing our intranet website and do some scraping, everything seems to be working I am able to access it, but when I am extracting data into a csv file the csv file is empty i get no errors when i run this. Each column (Directory Number, Equipment ID, Subscriber ID and etc...)from the HTML has data so how can i get that data with scrapy.
from scrapy.contrib.spiders.init import InitSpider
from scrapy.http import Request, FormRequest
from scrapy.contrib.linkextractors.sgml import SgmlLinkExtractor
from scrapy.contrib.spiders import Rule
from scrapy.spider import BaseSpider
from scrapy.selector import HtmlXPathSelector
from carrier.items import CarrierItem
class CarrierSpider(InitSpider):
name = 'dis'
allowed_domains = ['qvpweb01.ciq.labs.att.com']
login_page = 'https://qvpweb01.ciq.labs.att.com:8080/dis/login.jsp'
start_urls = ["https://qvpweb01.ciq.labs.att.com:8080/dis/"]
def init_request(self):
#"""This function is called before crawling starts."""
return Request(url=self.login_page, callback=self.login)
def login(self, response):
#"""Generate a login request."""
return FormRequest.from_response(response,
formdata={'txtUserName': 'xxxx', 'txtPassword': 'secret'},
def check_login_response(self, response):
#"""Check the response returned by a login request to see if we aresuccessfully logged in."""
if "logout" in response.body:
self.log("\n\n\nSuccessfully logged in. Let's start crawling!\n\n\n")
# Now the crawling can begin..
return self.initialized()
self.log("\n\n\nFailed, Bad password :(\n\n\n")
# Something went wrong, we couldn't log in, so nothing happens.
def parse(self, response):
self.log("\n\n\n We got data! \n\n\n")
hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response)
sites = hxs.select('//form[@id=\'listForm\']/table/')
items = []
for site in sites:
item = CarrierItem()
item['title'] = site.select('thead/th/a/text()').extract()
item['link'] = site.select('thead/th/a/@href').extract()
return items
html from page
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0">
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td valign="top" align="left">
<div class="clr"></div>
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td align="left" colspan="2">
<div class="list">
<form id="listForm" name="listForm" method="POST" action="">
<th class="first"></th>
<a href="/dis/?&orderby=mdn&order=asc">Directory Number</a>
<a href="/dis/?&orderby=hardwareId&order=asc">Equipment ID</a>
<a href="/dis/?&orderby=subscriberId&order=asc">Subscriber ID</a>
<th class="arrow_up">
<a href="/dis/?&orderby=sessUpldTime&order=asc">Session Upload Time</a>
<a href="/dis/?&orderby=upldRsn&order=asc">Upload Reason</a>
<a href="/dis/?&orderby=prof&order=asc">Profile ID</a>
<img width="1" height="1" src="/dis/img/spacer.gif" alt="">
<th class="last">
<img width="1" height="1" src="/dis/img/spacer.gif" alt="">
output when I run the crawler
C:\Users\ye831c\Documents\Big Data\Scrapy\carrier>scrapy crawl dis -o iqDis.csv
-t csv
2013-06-28 14:10:41-0500 [scrapy] INFO: Scrapy 0.16.5 started (bot: carrier)
2013-06-28 14:10:41-0500 [scrapy] DEBUG: Enabled extensions: FeedExporter, LogSt
ats, TelnetConsole, CloseSpider, WebService, CoreStats, SpiderState
2013-06-28 14:10:42-0500 [scrapy] DEBUG: Enabled downloader middlewares: HttpAut
hMiddleware, DownloadTimeoutMiddleware, UserAgentMiddleware, RetryMiddleware, De
faultHeadersMiddleware, RedirectMiddleware, CookiesMiddleware, HttpCompressionMi
ddleware, ChunkedTransferMiddleware, DownloaderStats
2013-06-28 14:10:42-0500 [scrapy] DEBUG: Enabled spider middlewares: HttpErrorMi
ddleware, OffsiteMiddleware, RefererMiddleware, UrlLengthMiddleware, DepthMiddle
2013-06-28 14:10:42-0500 [scrapy] DEBUG: Enabled item pipelines:
2013-06-28 14:10:42-0500 [dis] INFO: Spider opened
2013-06-28 14:10:42-0500 [dis] INFO: Crawled 0 pages (at 0 pages/min), scraped 0
items (at 0 items/min)
2013-06-28 14:10:42-0500 [scrapy] DEBUG: Telnet console listening on
2013-06-28 14:10:42-0500 [scrapy] DEBUG: Web service listening on
2013-06-28 14:10:42-0500 [dis] DEBUG: Crawled (200) <GET https://qvpweb01.ciq.la
bs.att.com:8080/dis/login.jsp> (referer: None)
2013-06-28 14:10:42-0500 [dis] DEBUG: Redirecting (302) to <GET https://qvpweb01
.ciq.labs.att.com:8080/dis/> from <POST https://qvpweb01.ciq.labs.att.com:8080/d
2013-06-28 14:10:43-0500 [dis] DEBUG: Crawled (200) <GET https://qvpweb01.ciq.la
bs.att.com:8080/dis/> (referer: https://qvpweb01.ciq.labs.att.com:8080/dis/login
2013-06-28 14:10:43-0500 [dis] DEBUG:
Successfully logged in. Let's start crawling!
2013-06-28 14:10:44-0500 [dis] DEBUG: Crawled (200) <GET https://qvpweb01.ciq.la
bs.att.com:8080/dis/> (referer: https://qvpweb01.ciq.labs.att.com:8080/dis/)
2013-06-28 14:10:44-0500 [dis] DEBUG:
We got data!
2013-06-28 14:10:44-0500 [dis] INFO: Closing spider (finished)
2013-06-28 14:10:44-0500 [dis] INFO: Dumping Scrapy stats:
{'downloader/request_bytes': 1382,
'downloader/request_count': 4,
'downloader/request_method_count/GET': 3,
'downloader/request_method_count/POST': 1,
'downloader/response_bytes': 146604,
'downloader/response_count': 4,
'downloader/response_status_count/200': 3,
'downloader/response_status_count/302': 1,
'finish_reason': 'finished',
'finish_time': datetime.datetime(2013, 6, 28, 19, 10, 44, 469000),
'log_count/DEBUG': 12,
'log_count/INFO': 4,
'request_depth_max': 2,
'response_received_count': 3,
'scheduler/dequeued': 4,
'scheduler/dequeued/memory': 4,
'scheduler/enqueued': 4,
'scheduler/enqueued/memory': 4,
'start_time': datetime.datetime(2013, 6, 28, 19, 10, 42, 15000)}
2013-06-28 14:10:44-0500 [dis] INFO: Spider closed (finished)
C:\Users\ye831c\Documents\Big Data\Scrapy\carrier>
The problem is in your xpath expressions, they should be relative (.//
item['title'] = site.select('.//thead/th/a/text()').extract()
item['link'] = site.select('.//thead/th/a/@href').extract()
After discussing the problem in chat, found that the page that scrapy receives is an xml that is converted using js after the page load.
Here's what helped to parse the xml to get necessary data:
def parse(self, response):
xhs = XmlXPathSelector(response)
columns = hxs.select('//table[3]/header/column'')
for column in columns:
item = CarrierItem()
item['title'] = column.select('.//text()').extract()
item['link'] = column.select('.//@uri').extract()
yield item