
Automatically export/deployment for Eclipse plugins

We are working on an Eclipse plugin project. All of our deliverables are 25 plug-in files (yes, you can also say that they are 25 jar files or 25 OSGi bundles).

Every time we export those files by FileExportPlug-in DevelopmentDeployable plug-ins and fragments. It costs about 30 minutes to export all those files. The export way sounds like out-of-date but not so inconvenient.

And I have some doubts about the exporting/deployment:

  1. If we use a build tool (such as ANT or Maven) to build these jar files automatically, will the build tool reduce the whole exporting time ?
  2. The PDE can generate a ant build file by Plug-in ToolsCreate Ant Build File, so can we use those generated files directly, even without start up the elipse IDE? Since they seem to be eclipse-related.
  3. Its better if you have suggestions on what I'm saying.

Tks in advance.


  • Maybe tycho is what you need. Tycho is a maven plugin for building osgi bundles(and eclipse plugins)