
Wikipedia Category Hierarchy from dumps

Using Wikipedia's dumps I want to build a hierarchy for its categories. I have downloaded the main dump (enwiki-latest-pages-articles) and the category SQL dump (enwiki-latest-category). But I can't find the hierarchy information.

For example, the SQL categories' dump has entries for each category but I can't find anything about how they relate to each other.

The other dump (latest-pages-articles) says the parent categories for each page but in an unordered way. It just states all the parents.

I have seen wikiprep's category hierarchy ( How is that one constructed? Wikiprep lists the category ID, not its name. Is there a way to get the name for each ID?


  • The category hierarchy information in MediaWiki is stored in the categorylinks table, so you're going to need the categorylinks dump.

    You're also going to need the page (not pages-articles) dump for page id to title mapping.