
M2E WTP Copy Provided Jar

I have a custom classloader jar <scope>provided</scope> that must be in tomcat/lib before my webapp is run or else it fails to start. I'm using WTP. Is there some way that I can configure M2E/WTP to automatically copy this custom jar to tomcat/lib during the deploy process?


It doesn't have to be using WTP, I could also use, for example, a solution using tomcat6-maven-plugin.


  • I spent a lot of time researching this problem and here's what I've found:

    The tomcat6-maven-plugin does not properly emulate the tomcat boot order, as seen in this jira issue as well as their tomcat6-maven-plugin source.

    However, after more research I discovered another maven plugin that I didn't know existed: cargo. Thanks to their excellent documentation I was able to get my project running with the custom (and picky) class loader jar.