I'm trying to show current datetime format to console on node.js + clojure deploying momentjs .
The working node js code:
var moment = require("./lib/moment/moment.js");
console.log(moment().format("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a"));
Console output:
$ node app1
Friday, July 5th 2013, 9:57:07 am
so, I tried a clojureScript code as below:
(ns rxcljs.core
(:use [cljs.nodejs :only [require]])
(def log #(.log js/console %))
(def moment (require "./lib/moment/moment.js"))
(->> (-> (moment)
(.format "dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a")
The Console output becomes
$ node app
Datetime is partially presented with bunch of null and undefined for some reason.
Compiled js code:
var rxcljs = {core:{}};
rxcljs.core.log = function(a) {
return console.log(a)
rxcljs.core.moment = cljs.nodejs.require.call(null, "./lib/moment/moment.js");
rxcljs.core.log.call(null, rxcljs.core.moment.call(null).format("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a"));
The point the problem occurred looks not that problematic:
rxcljs.core.moment.call(null).format("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a")
Any idea? Thanks.
This is due to a known incompatibility of Moment.js 2.0.0 with ClojureScript, fixed in this commit by David Altenburg. Here's the commit message:
Format function now uses "instanceof" on a var rather than "typeof" on that var's call to determine if the variable is a function.
This fixes an incompatibility with ClojureScript, which defines String.prototype.call as a function.
The version currently in the develop branch works fine.