
Extracting only my function names from ELF binary

Im writing a script for extracting all the functions (written by user) in a binary.

The following shell script extracts my function names as well as some library functions which start with __.

readelf -s ./a.out | gawk '
  if ($4 == "FUNC" && $3 != "0" && $7 == "13" && $8 != "main") { 
    print "b " $NF; //***Updated
}' &> function_names; 

Output of function_names file:

b __libc_csu_fini
b PrintDivider    
b PrintFooter    
b __libc_csu_init    
b PrintHeader

I would like to extract only my functions. So how to check whether function name starts with __ or else any other alternatives also highly appreciated.


@djf solution works fine. What if .c files which are compiled also may contain a function which starts with __? In that case, how to differentiate?


  • What about using readelf on your object file(s) instead of the linked executable? Then there's no spam from the library functions. Use the -c flag to compile to an object file and not link immediately.

    PS: The proper tool to extract names from an executable or object file is nm, not readelf. Using nm -P file has everything you want.

    $ nm -P tst.o | awk '$2 == "T" {print "b " $1}'
    b foo
    b main

    EDIT: To ignore main and symbols starting with an underscore, use

    $ nm -P a.out | awk '$2 == "T" && $1 !~ /^_/ && $1 != "main" {print "b " $1}'