
How to get current_user by using Spring Security Grails plugin in GSP

I am newbie in Grails. I am using Spring Security Grails plugin for Authentication purpose. I want to get current user in my view gsp file.

I am trying like this ...

<g:if test="${ == Person.get( }">
      <g:link controller="post" action="edit" id="${}">
            Edit this post

Here I want to show Edit this post link to only those posts who created by signed_in user. But It showing ERROR -

Error 500: Internal Server Error

   Cannot get property 'principal' on null object

Here is my Post.groovy --

class Post {

static hasMany = [comments:Comment]

String title
String teaser
String content
Date lastUpdated
Boolean published = false
SortedSet comments
Person author

....... more code ....

Here is my Person.groovy Domain Class File --

class Person {

transient springSecurityService

String realName
String username
String password
boolean enabled
boolean accountExpired
boolean accountLocked
boolean passwordExpired
byte[] avatar
String avatarType

static hasMany = [followed:Person, posts:Post]
static searchable = [only: 'realName']
    ........ more code ......

Please help.


  • Try tags provided by springSecurity plugin, something like:

      <g:link controller="post" action="edit" id="${}">
                Edit this post

    Actually you are trying to inject a service on your GSP page, you can do it with some import statement on the page, but I would say it will not be good programming practice, I think you should send current logged In user's instance from the controller to the GSP page, and then perform a check on it:

    let say you have the controller method:

    def showPostPage(){
    Person currentLoggedInUser = springSecurityService.getCurrentUser();

    and on your GSP page:

    <g:if test="${ == currentLoggedInUser }">
          <g:link controller="post" action="edit" id="${}">
                Edit this post