I am trying to show the current signal strength and current cell ID and Lac in my application for 3g network. Since it has to be compatible for API-8, I am using SignalStrength class from android.telephony. When I click a button, for now I want it to show the CID, Lac and signal strength of current cell. I am getting the CID and lac but the signal strength is always showing 0. The code is given below:
public void onClick(View v) {
switch (v.getId()) {
case R.id.bShowCell:
GsmCellLocation location;
String cellID = "";
String lac = "";
Context context = (Context) getApplicationContext();
TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) context
location = (GsmCellLocation) tm.getCellLocation();
cellID = String.valueOf(location.getCid());
lac = String.valueOf(location.getLac());
public String getRSSI() {
MyListener = new MyPhoneStateListener();
Tel = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
Tel.listen(MyListener, PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_SIGNAL_STRENGTHS);
String strength = MyListener.getStrength();
return strength;
class MyPhoneStateListener extends PhoneStateListener {
public int singalStrengths;
public void onSignalStrengthsChanged(SignalStrength signalStrength) {
int asu = signalStrength.getGsmSignalStrength();
singalStrengths = -113 + 2 * asu;
public String getStrength() {
return String.valueOf(singalStrengths);
I have checked many examples online and I think my code is okay. But when I checked it in debug mode, I see that when I click the button, the program never goes in onSignalStrengthsChanged. Is there anything I am missing?
Well, this is how I tried later and it worked fine. I had to make the CurStrgth.setText()independent from the Button and inside the PhoneStateListener and called the listener from OnCreate() method. And it works fine, updates the CurStrgth TextView whenever it gets a change in the signal strength. My code is given below:
public class MainActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener {
TextView CurStrgth;
MyPhoneStateListener MyListener;
TelephonyManager Tel;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
CurStrgth = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.tvCurCellStrength);
MyListener = new MyPhoneStateListener();
Tel = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
Tel.listen(MyListener, PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_SIGNAL_STRENGTHS);
protected void onPause() {
Tel.listen(MyListener, PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_NONE);
protected void onResume() {
Tel.listen(MyListener, PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_SIGNAL_STRENGTHS);
private class MyPhoneStateListener extends PhoneStateListener {
String gsmStrength = "";
public void onSignalStrengthsChanged(SignalStrength signalStrength) {
gsmStrength = String
.valueOf(signalStrength.getGsmSignalStrength() * 2 - 113);
CurStrgth.setText(MyListener.getStrength() + "dBm");
public String getStrength() {
return gsmStrength;
Now, I checked just calling the
CurStrgth.setText(MyListener.getStrength() + "dBm");
inside the OnClick() method for a button and it shows only the value once but If I press the button later It never updates the Strength and keeps showing the initial value.