
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 Native File Explorer app: "My Files" package name

I am trying to make a button that when on click will change the view and open up the native file explorer on a tablet. I found a potential solution with code like this:

fileBrowseButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener()
        public void onClick(View v)
            PackageManager packageManager = getPackageManager();

The only issue I seem to have is I can't identify the name of the package that is the file explorer, I tried looking around in the app manager. I know on my Motorola phone its:


Anyone know what the package name?

The possible workaround is downloading something like Astro and using that instead, but I would prefer the native app first.


  • I did some apk digging and found the package name for my device...

    Now I know this will not work on other devices, I tested it on Motorola device and got an error (which was expected).

    The package name for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 native file browser turned out to work with the name:

