
Junit fails due to Aspect

I have a custom security framwork based on annotations.I use the aspectj maven plugin to weave the aspect when it comes across the security annotation for the method.

I use jenkins to build the project and the aspectj maven plugin goals are set for compile as given below.

                <!-- <weaveDirectories> <weaveDirectory>${}/classes</weaveDirectory> 
                    </weaveDirectories> -->
                    <!-- Compile and weave aspects after all classes compiled by javac -->

The problem comes when the junit runs.Since it had already weaved the security related annotations in the methods,the unit test fails.

Is there a way where I can have the junits work and then do the aspectj weaving? Since I use a .aj file separately I am not sure how load time weaving can be set.

Any help on this is appreciated.



  • I reorganised my maven goals into

    clean compile test aspectj:compile

    so after testing the aspectj weaving is done which is all I wanted.