
Phone Number Validator/Filter using jQuery or Zend Form?

I'm thinking about adding some validation/filtering to the phone number field of my Zend Framework application. Not sure if this is something I should do or not.

I thought it might be helpful for users to have such a feature so I could enforce a particular display format. I'm not sure if the formatting of the phone number should be stored in the database, or when it is retrieved from the database. I don't want to be too strict about this because it's not really that important. I just wanted to prevent half the people from entering 123.456.7890 as their phone number format and the other half entering (123) 456-7890 as the other format. I want the listing of phone numbers to look consistent. So maybe I should use some javascript to help the user enter their number? Maybe there is a jQuery plugin that already does that and I can integrate it with my Zend Form?

What do you think?


  • One of my favorite recommendations:

    JQuery Masked Input Plug-in
