
Create Spanning Tree With DFS

Running the Depth First Search (DFS) algorithm over a given graph G = (V,E) which is connected and undirected provides a spanning tree. While running DFS on the graph, when we arrive to a vertex which it's degree is greater than 1 , i.e - there is more than one edge connected to it , we randomly choose an edge to continue with. I'd like to know if the option to choose an edge (or a vertex) to continue with actually allows as to create every spanning tree of a given graph using DFS?


  • Since you mentioned in the comments that given a spanning tree you want some DFS that outputs the same tree, This shouldn't be a problem.

    Suppose you have the required spanning tree and the graph in the form of an adjacency list and have a method edge_exists(u,v) which returns true or false depending on whether the edge is present or not in the given spanning tree.

       visited[node] = 1;
       for v in node.neighbors:
           if edge_exists(node, v) && !visited[v]:
               v.p = node

    BTW i don't think you need to do a visited count since you have a spanning tree, so edge_exisits will do roughly the same for you

    By programmatically outputting the spanning tree, I meant, given a graph output all the spanning trees. I am not sure how to do this.