I have been trying to use the caching capabilities of rails, but I am unable to expire some cache fragment although they seem to expire. Using the 'Russian Doll Caching' as pointed out in the rails tutorial site, I am using this configuration
<% cache "all_available_releases" do %>
<% @releases.each do |release| %>
<% cache(release) do %>
<html code with>
<%ruby code @release.name blah blah blah%>
I expire the outer caching in the release_controller.rb controller, where I use expire_fragment("all_available_releases") to expire the fragment. I use it in every method of the controller that updates or deletes or adds an entry.
This is the log of WEBrick, where although the expire fragment gets registered, 5 lines later the expired fragment is read and used while it shouldn't. This example is after a destroy call.
Processing by ReleasesController#destroy as HTML
Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"***/***/********************+********=", "id"=>"2"}
Release Load (0.1ms) SELECT "releases".* FROM "releases" WHERE "releases"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", "2"]]
(0.1ms) begin transaction
SQL (2.0ms) DELETE FROM "releases" WHERE "releases"."id" = ? [["id", 2]]
(148.0ms) commit transaction
Expire fragment views/all_available_releases (0.1ms)
Redirected to
Completed 302 Found in 180ms (ActiveRecord: 150.2ms)
Started GET "/releases" for at 2013-07-03 13:09:51 +0300
Processing by ReleasesController#index as HTML
Read fragment views/all_available_releases/41cb0a928326986f35f41c52bb3d8352 (0.1ms)
Rendered releases/index.html.erb within layouts/application (0.6ms)
Completed 200 OK in 5ms (Views: 4.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
I even tried using Rails.cache.delete("all_available_releases")
and it didn't work either.
if I delete <%cache "all_available_releases"%>
(and one <%end%>
) from my html.erb the caching works fine and gets expired whenever it should.
I believe the issue is that when you cache the fragment in your view, a cache digest is being added to the cache key (views/all_available_releases/41cb0a928326986f35f41c52bb3d8352), but expire_fragment is not using the digest (views/all_available_releases).
If you add skip_digest: true
to the cache call in the view it should prevent the digest from being used.
<% cache "all_available_releases", skip_digest: true do %>
<% @releases.each do |release| %>
<% cache(release) do %>
<html code with>
<%ruby code @release.name blah blah blah%>
Cache digests are only intended to be used with automatic cache expiration. If you need to manually expire cache keys then you can't use cache digests.