
Multiplying vectors in R of different length

I have 2 different vectors in R. The entries in the first one are only 0 or 1. The length of the second vector is equal to the number of 1's in the first vector. I want an output that is the first vector but with the 1's replaced by the entries of the 3rd vector. E.g.


I want:


The length of v1 will be 10 in my script and I have over 1000 to compute so it is not possible to do it manually. Any ideas would be great, thanks!



  • Like suggested, you can do:

    v1[as.logical(v1)] <- v2

    but it has the disadvantage of overwriting v1. If you don't want that, you can do:

    v3 <- replace(v1, as.logical(v1), v2)

    Or this one, which is a little more obscure:

    v3 <- `[<-`(v1, as.logical(v1), v2)