
UI with C++ vs with XML vs with QML

When I create a project, it comes with *.ui file which is an XML kind of file, I am only creating UI with pure C++ (classes). I have heard there is another way of creating UIs, with QML.

What are the pros and cons of each UI creating way?


  • Don't forget that you can also embed a QtWebkit view and use HTML directly as the user interface controls.

    From Qt Documentation — User Interfaces — Comparison of UI Interfaces:

    Comparison of UI Interfaces

    The following table compares Qt Widgets and Qt Quick interfaces.

    Qt Quick / Qt Quick Controls Qt Widgets Comments
    Used language(s) QML/JS C++
    Native look and feel ✔️ ✔️ Qt Widgets and Qt Quick Controls support native look and feel on their target platforms.
    Custom styling ✔️ ✔️ Qt Widgets provide customization with style sheets and Qt Quick Controls has a selection of >customizable styles.
    Fluid animated UIs ✔️ Qt Widgets do not scale well for animations. Qt Quick offers a convenient and natural way to >implement animations in a declarative manner.
    Touch screen ✔️ Qt Widgets often require a mouse cursor for good interaction, whereas Qt Quick provides QML types >for touch interaction.
    Standard industry widgets ✔️ ✔️ Qt Widgets provide all the bells and whistles, developed over two decades, needed >for building standard industry type applications.
    Model/View programming ✔️ ✔️ Qt Quick provides convenient views, but Qt Widgets provide more convenient and complete >framework. In addition to Qt Quick views, Qt Quick Controls provide a TableView.
    Rapid UI development ✔️ ✔️ Qt Quick is an excellent choice for rapid UI prototyping and development.
    HW accelerated graphics ✔️ ✔️ Qt provides full hardware acceleration for Qt Quick interfaces and Qt Widgets >interfaces are rendered in software. The Graphics overview has more information.
    Graphical effects ✔️ Several Qt Quick modules provide graphical effects and Qt Widgets interfaces can use Qt GUI >for effects.
    Rich text processing ✔️ ✔️ Qt Widgets currently provide the most comprehensive base for implementing text editors. >Qt's rich text document classes can also be utilized in Qt Quick and Qt Quick Controls' TextArea, but may require >some C++ implementation.