Implementing Dynamic Meter Tag in ASP.NET

I'm working on a project where I wish to use dynamic meter bars to represent peoples progress towards goal. This would mean having a numeric goal value and numeric current balance towards that goal.

I have been unable to see any implementaion of this in a ASP.NET Application where a dynamic value is used to give a representation of the total and completed values.

I have tried using the below code but to now avail.

<meter value="Balance" min="0" max="Goal"></meter>

I was thinking of using a progress bar but my understanding is that this should only be used for measuring moving progress towards a goal which will be completed reasonabliy soon as would be the case with a software instilation or something of that nature.

If anyone can help I'd be greatful.


  • To properly implement what I was looking for the below tutorial gave me what I needed to know.