I'm trying to convert the string produced from the __DATE__
macro into a time_t
. I don't need a full-blown date/time parser, something that only handles the format of the __DATE__
macro would be great.
A preprocessor method would be nifty, but a function would work just as well. If it's relevant, I'm using MSVC.
Edit: the corrected function should look something like this:
time_t cvt_TIME(char const *time) {
char s_month[5];
int month, day, year;
struct tm t = {0};
static const char month_names[] = "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec";
sscanf(time, "%s %d %d", s_month, &day, &year);
month = (strstr(month_names, s_month)-month_names)/3;
t.tm_mon = month;
t.tm_mday = day;
t.tm_year = year - 1900;
t.tm_isdst = -1;
return mktime(&t);