I need to have a custom button in the Hallo toolbar that will toggle a modal to open. I thought that it should be fairly simple to do, but there is not a lot of documentation for Hallo yet, and my knowledge of coffee script is not the best.
I've been able to create a basic plugin, by using the template given on their github page, but can not figure out how to have it call a js function to toggle the modal.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
So this is what I ended up using... A lot of it was copied from the "Link" widget that came with hallo. It's very messy, and I wish I took the time to make it look better, but it works and I was in a hurry. I hope it may be useful for anyone else that needed the same customization. Just change the return value to be whatever function you want it to be.
(function(jQuery) {
return jQuery.widget("IKS.hallocustomimage", {
options: {
editable: null,
uuid: "",
link: true,
image: true,
dialogOpts: {
autoOpen: false,
width: 540,
height: 95,
modal: true,
resizable: false,
draggable: false,
dialogClass: 'hallolink-dialog'
buttonCssClass: null
populateToolbar: function(toolbar) {
var buttonize, buttonset, dialog, dialogSubmitCb, isEmptyLink, urlInput, widget,
_this = this;
widget = this;
dialog = jQuery("<div id=\"" + "\"><form action=\"#\" method=\"post\" class=\"linkForm\"><input class=\"url\" type=\"text\" name=\"url\"value=\"" + "\" /><input type=\"submit\" id=\"addlinkButton\" value=\"" + "\"/></form></div>");
buttonset = jQuery("<span class=\"" + widget.widgetName + "\"></span>");
buttonize = function(type) {
var button, buttonHolder, id;
id = "" + _this.options.uuid + "-" + type;
buttonHolder = jQuery('<span></span>');
label: 'Image',
icon: 'icon-picture',
editable: _this.options.editable,
command: null,
queryState: false,
uuid: _this.options.uuid,
cssClass: _this.options.buttonCssClass
button = buttonHolder;
button.on("click", function(event) {
var button_selector, selectionParent;
return jQuery(function(){$('#gallery').modal();});
if (this.options.link) {
if (this.options.link) {
return dialog.dialog(this.options.dialogOpts);