
Reading a webcal URL in ruby on rails

I am trying to parse a webcal link


in a Ruby on Rails app so I can customize the event entries. I have looked into both RiCal and icalendar but neither show any support for reading a calendar feed (webcal://).

Are there any Rails libraries that support parsing webcal addresses? If not, how should I go about creating my own parser?


  • webcal is just an unofficial URI scheme for accessing icalendar documents. You can get the calendar using http and parse it using one of several icalendar plugins:

    require 'net/http'
    uri = URI('')
    calendar = Net::HTTP.get(uri)

    For alternative ways to perform the http get request: How make a HTTP request using Ruby on Rails?

    Then parse the response using your favourite plug-in:


    cal = icalendar.parse(calendar).first


    cal = Vpim::Icalendar.decode(calendar).first  


    cal = RiCal.parse_string(calendar).first