
Something works in debug mode but not in normal mode

I have a web app running in websphere WAS 6.1 (under IBM RSA).

It consists of two EARs, each of them with one web module (WAR).

The app has a menu that is loaded as a result of a xsl+xsql parsing.

The case is that if we launch the server in normal mode, the menu is not loaded properly, but when we launch the server in debug mode, the menu is loaded properly.

Does somebody have any clues of what could be happening here?



  • Problem solved,

    In the classpath, there was a library called xmlparserv2.jar, with a "problematic" xslt processor (under javax.xml.transform basis).

    Removing it from the project, do the thing.

    Now, other library does the xslt transformation (under org.apache.xalan.xslt basis).

    This post helped me a lot: What processor is javax.xml.transform Using?